Alan Watts and the Eternal Present

Must read!


In 1950, both the world and Alan Watts were at a pivotal point.Russia had recently detonated its first atomic weapon, ushering in an age of global anxiety.

By the spring, Watts himself was undergoing a jarring transformation: his first wife had their marriage annulled because of an affair, and he resigned his position as an Episcopalian minister. Watts left the church, he later remembered, “not because it doesn’t practice what it preaches, but because it preaches.”

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Entry 102.

It's familiar, this sort of ending. Cold shoulders guiding communication, silence flourishing above our vows, sighs and grunts at any attempt to mend this bridge. It's familiar this sort of pain; the one with whom promises were crafted to patch any gaps between our souls, now prefers the distance and any place away from my... Continue Reading →




He flung a white tuxedo jacket over his crisp white shirt, straightening the cuffs as his gold and turquoise elephant cuff links twinkled whenever they caught the light. She watched him from the mirror on her vanity table, smiling inwardly, as she touched her lips up. She caught his eye; he was watching her too. Her luscious lips broke into a wide grin, as she put her lipstick in her gold clutch purse and got up to finish getting dressed.

She had nothing underneath her dressing robe, he knew, just the gold strappy heels he so loved adorning her dainty feet. He watched her sashay towards the bathroom and thought of his mouth on her areola, his tongue flicking over her nipple as he sucked her breast and she moaned. He could almost taste the warmth of her breast. She wouldn’t let him see what she planned to wear to…

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3:00am, 09.03.1987

Jolting distance postcards under a trembling flame in my cabin. Inspired by a night punctured by a full moon, wolves hawling behind a blanket of trees. Grunts forming warm pockets of air within the still frost. Fog granulates the earth, the perfect cold for those asleep in cemeteries. Ravens assemble on the barren oak tree... Continue Reading →

Time travel, 08.03.1987

They shared conversations and kisses both of  similar immensity. Talked their past away each afternoon, through, to the fall of dusk. Whiskey burning gently down their guts; any form of body contact elevates respiration, a shoreline for an uncharted ocean of sexual tension. surrounded by a crowd they've utterly disregarded, they seem to let charm... Continue Reading →

Jester’s Mask.

Each one in their own accord carries with them a Jester's Mask. To face love with naivety was the start of all walks through calvary. Reason stepped out of the door when the heart took its seat in my perception of life! "There days I felt my soul bound by the chains of your lies!... Continue Reading →

Ravages of time.

"I was prisoner in the chambers of your seduction. How deceitful the youthful complexion  is to the eyes, leading my mind on into an eternal damnation. Your  body was passionate poetry, scripted even in braille for the blind to feel; for the illiterate, you appeared as divinity." Ragged Urban. Quote by @TheLetterGallery

You and I.

I watched the distance grow, thin air disintegrating into a void each passing second. As the weeks gave birth to months, the days we shared smiles slowly started to decay, faces becoming blurry and the tone of your voice becoming a distant unfamiliar murmur; the sound of your laugh still lingers at the edges of... Continue Reading →

On Edge.

The "problem" with depression, there are hardly outward markers you'd expect to see from a person going through it. A battle fought from within against a cause unknown is hard to even predict. It springs from the outside and saws a seed inside of you, in the centre of your soul. It then grows outwardly... Continue Reading →

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